As part of the business activity conducted by our Notary’s Office we can offer professional services with respect to performance of notarial acts, in accordance with applicable regulations as well as in line with the notaries’ professional code of conduct.

Our Office will provide you with comprehensive information as regards the documents and data required for the performance of notarial acts, amount of notary’s fee as well as the amount of taxes and fees, which the notary is obligated to collect. For this purpose you can contact our Office in the manner which is most convenient for you: either in person, by telephone or via e-mail.

Our Office is located in a building which is accessible to disabled persons. You can access the building directly from Świętokrzyska street, there are elevators in the building.


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Świętokrzyska 20/423
00-002 Warsaw

tel.: +48 22 629 31 26
tel.: +48 22 623 81 31

e-mail: bruzdziak@notariusze.waw.pl

Working hours:
Mon. - Thu. from 09:00 till 17:00 31.10.2024 till 15:00

Fri. from 09:00 till 15:00 


In order to make an appointment outside the normal business hours, please contact the secretariat of our Notary’s Office.

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